Thursday, June 10, 2021

10 ways for college graduates to start their own business

 Many young people dream of starting a business

There are roughly 582 million entrepreneurs across the globe. At one point, all of them were either students or young people with a big idea that turned into a business.

The entrepreneurial energy is often fueled by campus life and a desire to shake things up. And although many people will take a traditional career route after graduation, starting your own business is also possible. 

Woman is working at workshop. Concept of small business.
Woman is working at workshop. Concept of small business.

Here are some of the best entrepreneurial ideas for young graduates.

eBay trading agency

Doing eBay trading has become a new trend in digital trading. The core reason for the popularity of trading is convenience.

As a trader, all you have to do is to purchase an economic product from China. Then, sell these products in the U.S. to secure your profit.

All you need is an account on eBay, some packaging stuff, and a connection with transporting organizations.

The tip for success is to go for gadgets like headphones and other related accessories. Another profitable niche is jewelry items.

Videography and photography

A decent camera and some tricks of photography are all what's needed for this business. If you have some interest in photography or videography, then this one is for you.

You can open your virtual studio. In order to do this, you'll have to create a web portfolio and build your own brand. See the following example of a professional portfolio.

(Photo: Webflow)
(Photo: Webflow)

Reach out to event planners and entertainment industry members to ask about working their event as an official photographer. 

An average official photographer charges around $200-$280/hour. You can charge a little less initially to establish your contacts.

Laundry service

Outsourcing laundry has become a new trend that could disrupt a $40 billion industry.

You have to develop a mobile app and promote your service at first. The washing machines can be placed in the backyard of your house.

Purchase detergent and fabric softener in bulk quantity from an e-commerce platform. Just be sure that you have fabric experience, as you don’t want to ruin someone’s favorite cloth.

You can drop clothes off by yourself. Once the business has expanded, you can then hire a driver for this.

Flyer agency

Despite rapid digitalization, businesses are using flyers for their promotion, as its effectiveness is 79%.

For launching a flyer agency, all that is required is you. Grab the opportunity by promoting your business online. You can distribute flyers more rapidly at educational institutes and bars.

Make sure you have the necessary contacts and paperwork before distributing flyers to private property.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is the business in which an individual will promote a product and receive a commission on each sale generated from the link. The affiliate marketing industry is growing by 10%.

For starting this, you have multiple options. You can promote the product on your website or by writing blogs on another website. If this works well, you can receive products for free from the brand for promotion.

A simpler solution for this is to start writing your own blogs. Once you have the optimum number readers, monetize your blogs and then do affiliate marketing by using these posts. Write blogs on popular affiliate categories.

Content generating firm

Digital content marketing agencies are becoming increasingly popular. The industry is estimated to reach around $51 billion by 2027. Due to increasing digital interference, creation of content has become more convenient.

The writing services can range from articles to research papers. 

If you opt for content marketing, here's how to do it: Start writing about yourself first. Make your web portfolio, and write blogs and research papers to earn some money. When you start receiving more orders, outsource writing to freelancers and secure your commission.

Gradually spread domains of writing and hire content writers. It is suggested to start with white papers, as they are expensive and provide economic support to the business.

Pool cleaning services

Pool cleaning services have witnessed an annual growth of 6.9%. Equipment required for starting the business will include test kits, cleaning chemicals, skimmers, and hoses. 

Use your contacts and start your own business for the promotion using TikTok. While it may sound strange to use the platform to launch your business, it can be an effective technique. Film your pool cleaning videos and upload them to TikTok. These "satisfactory" cleaning videos may get instant views, increasing their popularity.

Pool guy celaning a pool with vacuum cleaner
Pool guy celaning a pool with vacuum cleaner

Apparel designing services

If you have some drawing skills and an interest in fashion, then this one is for you. You can start your apparel brand just with a sewing machine and an e-commerce account.

Design your clothes and consider purchasing the raw material from South Asian countries, as it will be cheaper, and stitch the outfit.

You can also purchase a limited edition of bigger brands and sold them on your platform to increase distinction from the completion. You can also purchase old clothes from the thrift store and transform them into new dresses.

Student consulting services

As a recent graduate, you are aware of all the procedures and formalities for college admission. You can start your consultation service for foreign and local students. There are around 1.1 million international students enrolled every year, and the percentage is increasing.

Contact your student counselor and ask if they can provide you with detail of some foreign students. Just provide them guidance through email and secure your commission.

You can also contact real estate agents and provide them with accommodation. Once your business reaches a point, you can start providing them research proposal service.


It may do not sound like a business, but it is. Being a successful vlogger is a business. Many brands and organizations could sponsor your vlogs.

You have to create a YouTube channel and then monetize it. Once you have an adequate number of viewers, you may start to receive sponsorship offers.
