Saturday, May 8, 2021

40 Low Stress and Remote Jobs for Working Parents

Balancing a career and the demands of parenthood can be stressful, especially during the pandemic. We recently surveyed more than 1,100 parents with children 18 or younger living at home and found that 60% of respondents have experienced burnout in the past year.

Furthermore, 61% of parents say they want to work remotely full-time after the pandemic, while 37% prefer a hybrid work arrangement.

So, which jobs have lower stress and offer flexibility? We consulted the online careers database O*Net, run by the U.S. Department of Labor. One of O*Net’s resources is a list of occupations rated by their level of required “stress tolerance,” defined as how much a given job “requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high-stress situations.”

Jobs are rated from 0 to 100. Those with higher ratings are more stressful and require more stress tolerance from the people doing them.

We compared the hundreds of jobs with lower stress levels (less than 80) on O*Net’s list to the database to compile a list of jobs that are both lower stress, marked as having a bright outlook (expected to grow rapidly in the next several years, or will have large numbers of job openings), and offer remote work options.

47 Lower-Stress Remote Jobs

The jobs below are ordered from lowest to highest in terms of their stress-level rating. All of them fall below 80 on the stress tolerance ratings, and each job links to current remote openings.

In Case You’re Curious: The Most Stressful Jobs

For comparison’s sake, which jobs do O*Net rate as the absolute most stressful, with scores of 95 or higher? Some examples:

  • Patient Representative (95)
  • Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners (95)
  • Transit and Railroad Police (96)
  • First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (96)
  • Acute Care Nurses (97)
  • Telephone Operators (98)
  • Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates (98)
  • Film and Video Editors (99)
  • Urologists (100)

It’s interesting to note that there are no “zero-stress” jobs—the job with the lowest stress rating (Models) earns a 24.

