Sunday, April 11, 2021

How to Answer the Question 'Why Do You Want to Change Jobs


It’s not an invitation for you to bash your current job. In fact, it’s just the opposite.

It’s always important to be honest in a job interview, but no question will cause you to stretch the truth as much as this one: “Why do you want to change jobs?” or its variation, "Why are you looking for a new position?"

Tempting as it may be to spill about your horrible boss or the long hours you work, you've got to keep your lip zipped on the “real” reasons. Otherwise, you could blow your chances at the job by looking like a complainer—and god forbid if your interviewer actually knows your boss somehow without your realizing it.

Getting negative in an interview can also make the interviewer wonder if you’re the problem. Before you say too much, read these tips to develop an answer to this question that will make them want to hire you rather than run from you.

Be Honest (Kind of)

Interviewers ask this question mainly to determine whether you've put enough consideration into such a big decision.

Have a planned, authentic response. Talk about how you're looking for a new challenge in your career, learning a new industry or focus area, or needing to find a new job because you’re relocating—those are honest, relatable answers.

You say: “I feel as though I’m ready for another stage in my career. A new challenge. I’d also like to continue to grow and learn in this field, and take on some new tasks—ones I haven’t had the opportunity to tackle in my current role.”

Focus on the Future

To answer the question effectively, talk about what you want to create instead of what you’re trying to avoid. Talk about the opportunities you see at the company where you’re interviewing, and how you’d like to work within its mission while bringing value to the position.

When someone asks, "Why are you looking for a new position?" find ways to talk about what you like about your current job and how you’re interested in transferring those skills and experiences into the context of a new employer. This lets them know that you've been doing your homework and are serious about applying yourself if given the chance to join their team. 

Highlight your excitement about facing the new challenges that are before you and show how the position is the right step in a career path that you are genuinely interested in and passionate about.

You say: “Well, I have noticed this company faces [insert specific problem here]. I’ve always wanted to work on a team charged with the task of solving this issue. And I have a handful of ideas as to how I would go about implementing these fixes. [Discuss your ideas here.]

Read the Interviewer

If you’re trying to transition to a new job in your industry—or a tangentially related industry—it’s very possible your interviewer has gone through this same transition at some point in his or her career.

It’s to your benefit to be conversational in your interview. This question could serve as a good opportunity for you to ask about the interviewer’s background. After you’ve given your own answers, have the interviewer describe how their career ended up where it did and how they’ve liked the new challenge.

You say: “Also, I was wondering, did you make a similar transition to this industry? Why did you do it? And how have you liked this space so far?”

Your Answers Matter

No matter what your answer is to the question, "Why are you looking for a new position?" the fact is you deserve to enjoy your job. Need some help with that? Join Monster for free today. There's no harm in looking, but there is harm in staying at a job that doesn't fit you. Let us help you find a job you'll want to keep.
